November beckons, and it is Gerard Manley Hopkin’s simple poem that fires us with hope and sangfroid. The cacophonous daffodils that celebrate the end of winter, the burgeoning gardens, the crowning blossom - the sheer luxurience of it all. And the sounds!

The Dinner Party menu includes darling seasonal fruits and vegetables to tickle your guests fancies. Braised artichokes accompany the main fare, whilst the swan song of cumquat bavarois bequeaths its own delirious monologue of deliciousness.


Artichoke lovers can thank Zeus for the creation of this unusual vegetable. Ancient Greeks believed that as punishment for deceiving him, Zeus transformed his beautiful lover Cynara into this prickly plant. Entirely reasonable. In Italy and the rest of the Mediterranean region where they grew wild, artichokes were considered both a delicacy and an aphrodisiac. Oh la la. High in fibre, vitamin K and folate, artichokes are also a grand source of magnesium and vitamin C. Traditionally, artichokes have been used as a remedy for indigestion and upset stomach. Lately, however, research suggests artichokes may have anti-carcinogenic properties and could lower cholesterol.

With only 60 calories per medium artichoke and around 4 grams of protein (which is above average for a plant-based food), it is no wonder our bon vivant Italian compeers eat 400,00-tonnes of them annually.


The cumquat is like an orange in reverse, with a sweet skin and tart pulp. You don't peel the cumquat; you simply eat the entire fruit. Thus, its brilliance. Cumquats are nutritional powerhouses that provide vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, iron, and even some heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Munificent with water and fibre, they make a great low-calorie, but filling snack. Just five cumquats provide about 6 grams of fibre, which is 20 percent of the daily recommendation. This cute-as-a-button fruit not only packs a manorial bitter-sweet taste, but its tree symbolises wealth and good-luck. Perfect for you inside and out.

Throughout history, it has been the round of seasons and the new life of spring that has given rise to courage and fortitude. Let spring provoke your tastebuds to courageously explore recipes with cumquats and artichokes whilst we await for full throttle summer to arrive.


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